Goldfinger Quotes

Latest Goldfinger quotes from Goldfinger 1964


Goldfinger  chatacter image

Goldfinger is played by Gert Fröbe in Goldfinger 1964.


This is gold, Mr. Bond. All my life I've been in love with its color... its brilliance, its divine heaviness. image

This is gold, Mr. Bond. All my life I've been in love with its color... its brilliance, its divine heaviness.


Goodbye, Mr. Bond. image

Goodbye, Mr. Bond.


Man has climbed Mount Everest, gone to the bottom of the ocean. He's fired rockets at the Moon, split the atom, achieved miracles in every field of human endeavor... except crime!


Ah, very chic, Miss Galore. Don't you agree? Please entertain Mr. Bond for me, Pussy. I'll join you later.


Tomorrow, at dawn, the Flying Circus of my personal pilot, Miss Pussy Galore, will spray into the atmosphere!


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