Dr. Dennett Norton Quotes

Latest Dr. Dennett Norton quotes from RoboCop

Dr. Dennett Norton

Dr. Dennett Norton chatacter image

Dr. Dennett Norton is played by Gary Oldman in RoboCop.


Consciousness is nothing more than the processing of information. image

Consciousness is nothing more than the processing of information.

Tom Pope : I give you Sergeant Jack Freeman, masculinity incarnate. Led Pittsburgh SWAT for five years, now confined to a wheelchair.
Liz Kline : I think I can see the appeal.
Dr. Dennett Norton : No.
Tom Pope : What? Why?
Dr. Dennett Norton : Well, check the psych evaluation. He's far too unstable.
Tom Pope : He's trying to say that he has a temper.
Dr. Dennett Norton : Have you any idea what we'd be putting him through? The psychological strain requires someone emotionally balanced. We have to be scientific. I mean, we're not exactly selling a soft drink here, are we?

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