Dr. Cawley Quotes

Latest Dr. Cawley quotes from Shutter Island

Dr. Cawley

Dr. Cawley chatacter image

Dr. Cawley is played by Ben Kingsley in Shutter Island.


It's my job to treat the patients, not their victims. image

It's my job to treat the patients, not their victims.


You blew up my car. I really loved that car. image

You blew up my car. I really loved that car.


Why are you all wet, baby? image

Why are you all wet, baby?


Sanity's not a choice, Marshall. You can't just choose to get over it.


We don't know how she got out of her room. It was locked from the outside. And the only window's barred. It's as if she evaporated, straight through the walls.


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