Dillon Quotes

Latest Dillon quotes from Predator


Dillon chatacter image

Dillon is played by Carl Weathers in Predator.


Goddamn jackpot. This is more than we ever thought we'd get. We finally got those bastards. We got 'em. image

Goddamn jackpot. This is more than we ever thought we'd get. We finally got those bastards. We got 'em.


 So, what are you gonna try next? Cheese? image

So, what are you gonna try next? Cheese?


I don't know, Dutch. This is inhuman. image

I don't know, Dutch. This is inhuman.


That's a real nasty habit you got there. image

That's a real nasty habit you got there.


Mac : Hey, Dillon.
Dillon : Thanks!
Mac : Anytime...


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