Col. Hans Landa Quotes

Latest Col. Hans Landa quotes from Inglourious Basterds

Col. Hans Landa

Col. Hans Landa chatacter image

Col. Hans Landa is played by Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds.


 I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing. image

I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing.

Wait for the crème. image

Wait for the crème.

I did have something else I wanted to ask you, but right now, for the life of me, I can't remember what it is. Oh, well, must not have been important. Till tonight.

Col. Hans Landa: I look forward to seeing you face to face as well, sir. image

Col. Hans Landa: I look forward to seeing you face to face as well, sir.



Monsieur LaPadite, to both your family and your cows I say: Bravo.


What a tremendously hostile world that a rat must endure. Yet not only does he survive, he thrives. Because our little foe has an instinct for survival and preservation second to none... And that, Monsieur, is what a Jew shares with a rat.


Mir scheint, da fehlt jemand. Jemand fäschionäbles.


Col. Hans Landa: So when the military history of this night is written, it will be recorded that I was part of Operation Kino from the very beginning as a double agent. Anything I've done in my guise as an SS Colonel was sanctioned by the OSS as a necessary evil to establish my cover with the Germans and it was my placement of Lieutenant Raine's dynamite in Hitler and Goebbels' opera box that assured their demise. By the way, that last part's actually true. I want my full military pension and benefits under my proper rank. I want to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for my invaluable assistance in the toppling of the Third Reich. In fact, I want all the members of Operation Kino to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. Full citizenship for myself - Well, that goes without saying. And I would like the United States of America to purchase property for me on Nantucket Island as a reward for all the countless lives I've saved by bringing the tyranny of the National Socialist party to a swifter-than-imagined end. Do you have all that, sir?


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