Carter Verone Quotes

Latest Carter Verone quotes from 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)

Carter Verone

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Carter Verone is played by Cole Hauser in 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003).


Carter Verone : [to his potential wheelmen] Thank you for coming on such short notice. My red Ferrari was confiscated yesterday, and it sits in an impound lot in Little Haiti. It's about 20 miles from here. The car isn't important. What is important is the package I left in the glove box. The first team back here with the package will have an opportunity to work for me.
Darden : Are you saying we gotta audition?
Carter Verone : Nobody's got a gun to your head. That's it.


Detective Whitworth : Hey, Carter.
Carter Verone : Meet, uh, Detective Whitworth.
Carter Verone : One of Miami's finest. Thank you, sweetheart. Are you enjoying yourself, Detective?
Detective Whitworth : Yeah, I was. I mean, you know me.
Carter Verone : Yeah, I do know you. You been on my payroll a long time.
Detective Whitworth : Verone, that ain't right.
Carter Verone : Shut up. I got one last job for you, Detective. You hear me?
Detective Whitworth : Look, we've been through all this.
Carter Verone : Yeah?
Detective Whitworth : Yeah. I said I can't do it.
Carter Verone : Hmm. That's the wrong answer. The table.


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