Bryan Mills Quotes

Latest Bryan Mills quotes from Taken 3

Bryan Mills

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Bryan Mills is played by Liam Neeson in Taken 3.


I know you know a lot of people, and with a good lawyer you'll get out of jail in a few years. And then I'll come for you. I'll find you, and we both know what's gonna happen. image

I know you know a lot of people, and with a good lawyer you'll get out of jail in a few years. And then I'll come for you. I'll find you, and we both know what's gonna happen.


Officer Bernard : This is gonna end bad for you.
Bryan Mills : Don't be such a pessimist. image

Officer Bernard : This is gonna end bad for you.
Bryan Mills : Don't be such a pessimist.


Clerk Toy Store : No matter how old they are, my friend, they will always be our baby.
Bryan Mills : Ain't that true? Come on, big guy.


Oleg Malankov : We are fucked by the same man.
Bryan Mills : What are you talking about?
Oleg Malankov : Stuart St. John. First, he gets me to kill your wife, then you. And when that doesn't work, he pushes you to kill me, no? Either way, he wins. Your wife... was just part of a business deal, like many before her. It is my turn to lose the game. Finish me! Finish me. I deserve it.
Bryan Mills : Yes... You do.


Stuart St. John : So, what's the plan?
Bryan Mills : The plan is to make sure my daughter is safe. And the only way to do that, so it seems... is to eliminate the thing that will make her unsafe.
Stuart St. John : Malankov.
Casey : Good one, Stuart.
Stuart St. John : I'd like to help.
Casey : You're gonna help, alright. Like bait helps to catch a shark.


Lenore St. John : Why do you have to be so damn honorable?
Bryan Mills : Believe me, right now I wish I weren't.

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