Anna Schmidt Quotes

Latest Anna Schmidt quotes from The Third Man

Anna Schmidt

Anna Schmidt chatacter image

Anna Schmidt is played by Alida Valli in The Third Man.


A person doesn't change just because you find out more. image

A person doesn't change just because you find out more.


Oh, please. For heaven's sake, stop making him in your image. Harry was real. He wasn't just your friend and my lover. He was Harry. image

Oh, please. For heaven's sake, stop making him in your image. Harry was real. He wasn't just your friend and my lover. He was Harry.


l don't know anything anymore, except l want to be dead too. Some more tea? image

l don't know anything anymore, except l want to be dead too. Some more tea?


Poor Harry, I wish he was dead. He'd be safe from all of you then.


Honest, sensible, sober, harmless Holly Martins. Holly. What a silly name.


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